Americans will pause to remember the brave men and women who have given their lives in defense of our nation, from the Revolutionary War to the worldwide war on terrorism on Memorial Day, May 30. Observances are scheduled around the county as follows:
Jefferson: The Floyd Brown American Legion post and David M. Mosher VFW post will conduct a brief ceremony at St Joseph Catholic Cemetery at 9:30 am with a firing squad and “Taps.”
The service at the Jefferson Municipal Cemetery will begin at 10:45 am with Jim Andrew, commander of American Legion Post 11 as emcee. Members of the Jefferson fire department will raise the flags. Don Ihnken, commander of VFW Post 9599, will command the firing squad. Music will be provided by the Greene County High School band, with John Mobley IV and Jack Schilling playing “Taps.”
The Memorial Day address will be given by John Thompson. The Rev Julie Poulsen, pastor of First United Methodist Church in Jefferson, will offer an invocation.
Scranton area: Memorial Day services will be held at 9:45 am at the Scranton Township Cemetery. Al and Cheryl Robson are leading the committee in planning the event.
Guests will be welcomed, followed by a prayer given by Randy Hoyt. The Jefferson Boy Scouts will raise the flag and lead the guests in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Greene County Marching Band and vocalist David Petersen will provide music. Greene County High School students Michael Kennedy and Kara Betts will give the address. A roll call of all those buried during the past year at the Scranton Cemetery will be read as a final tribute.
For guaranteed, comfortable seating, bring your own lawn chairs. In case of bad weather, the service will be held in the Scranton Community Center (gynmasium).
The annual Memorial Day service at the Dillavou Cemetery north of Ralston will be held at 2 pm.
The guest speaker is Pastor Rick Hamilton of the Grace Baptist Church in Glidden.
Bring your lawn chairs. In case of rain or high winds, the service will be held at the Ralston Community Church.
Rippey area: The Kinkead-Martin Legion Post #583 of Rippey will conduct the ceremony at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery Sunday, May 29, at 12 pm following a church service there.
On Memorial Day, the Legionnaires will conduct the ceremony at the Fairview Cemetery after the 9 am services at the church near Perry. They will be at the Angus Cemetery at 10 am, Old Rippey Cemetery at 10:30 am, and conclude the services at the Rippey Cemetery at 11 am. There will be a lunch served at the Rippey United Methodist Church after the services at the cemetery.
Churdan area: Mass will be celebrated at St Patrick Church in Cedar Township at 8 am followed by a brief service at the St Patrick Cemetery.
American Legion Post 198 will conduct a Memorial Day service at Highland Township Cemetery in Churdan Monday at 9:30 am. The Town and Country Band will provide music, with Jeff Lamoureux reading Gen McArthur’s poignant words in the band setting of “Duty, Honor, Country.”
Grand Junction: There will be no Memorial Day services at the Junction Township Cemetery nor Mount Calvary Cemetery, but the Grand Junction fire department will erect the Avenue of Flags at both cemeteries.